Pandan Wangi

Pandan Wangi has a Latin name (Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb.) And belongs to the pandanaceae family. This plant usually lives in swamps or in damp and shady places. However, because of its considerable benefits for human life, this plant has now begun to be cultivated and gardened in the yard.

For propagation is done by separating new shoots from the clumps that grow between the roots. It reaches 1-2 meters in height, leaves 40 - 80 cm long and leaves 3 - 5 cm wide.

Fragrant pandan leaves smell nice, commonly used as ingredients of spices, raw materials for making fragrance oils and flavoring in cooking. And fragrant pandanus contains alkaloids, polyphenols, saponins, tannins, flavonoids and dyes.

Benefits of Pandan Fragrance:
1. Treat rheumatic
    The trick, take 3 pieces of fresh fragrant pandan leaves, wash thoroughly then cut into pieces. Brewed with half a cup of boiled coconut oil while stirring until evenly distributed. After a cold use as a liniment to massage the affected area.

2. Treat weak nerves
    The trick, take 3 pieces of fragrant pandan leaves, wash thoroughly then cut boiled with 3 cups of water remaining 2 cups only. After a cold, drink the mixture 2 times a day every morning and evening one glass each time drink.
