the secret of making a solid plump breasts contain.

A woman's breasts is pride of every woman and every man preferred, breasts become an important part for a woman. Often women complain of breasts started to slack off and withered, not tight padet let alone contains, in other words no longer plump, especially for those who repeatedly childbirth and breastfeeding.

A woman's breasts is pride of every woman and every man preferred, breasts become an important part for a woman. Often women complain of breasts started to slack off and withered, not tight padet let alone contains, in other words no longer plump, especially for those who repeatedly childbirth and breastfeeding.

Sometimes not a few women who are willing to pocket millions of rupiah just because want to breast / breasts look tight, big, solid, plump caecal and sexy. Even many who dared to do the operation for this purpose.

When considering the dangers of implant are often negative impact not wrong for women to try ancient recipes of traditional ingredients or effective enough to do the empress and concubines Javanese kings of ancient times to resolve this issue.

Here is the 'secret' to make breast plump contains solid.

, Prepare 2 young areca nut, remove the husk taken off and take the meat. Mash until smooth.
, 10 leaves Lenjuhang or ciplukan, a kind of leaves that grow on bushes, the leaves are small - small finely crushed.
, Combine Lenjuhang leaves and areca already pounded meat, add one teaspoon of salt, squeeze and stir, then mix half a glass of water.
, After being mixed, apply around the breasts sagging like wearing a mask. Allow it to dry, then washed with warm water lukewarm. Caution: the herb should not be exposed nipple.
, This herb can be repeated every 3 days.
, Congratulations tested.
