some of the benefits of sage leaves

Sage leaves that taste sweet efficacious overcome thrush. However, beware, lest the seeds are poisonous swallowed because it can cause death.

NAME saga may be foreign to our ears. But not so with payoffs thunteng or telik saga. So called because the vines had red-black seeds in the spiky. Saga is often found growing around the weeds. There are several types saga. Call it the saga of propagation, telik saga, or the saga areuy. Saga is believed to be a potent plant overcome canker sores.
Saga also contains abruslactoneA, methyl abrusgenate, abrusgenic acid, and vitamin C. The leaves of plants that enter the priority list of WHO declared as the most widely used medicinal plants in the world that contains glisirisin. Levels are no less than 15 percent. Less clear whether the softer organic acids that can reduce the heat or other compounds.
In addition to effectively dampen canker sores and sore throats, many other properties can be obtained from plants, among others merit as cough in infants. Sage leaves can also make the baby sleep better and no fuss. Efficacy sage leaves as a remedy for cough is an herbal remedy for dry cough.
The plant also has expectorant spur effectiveness mukrosa secretions from the trachea. The content of the compound is capable of removing phlegm and itchy throat. Sage leaves have glycyrrhicic acid content of which has soothing properties of the skin and mucous membranes of the throat.
Instead of taking drugs in a stall, Rosyid, middle-aged men, prefer to use traditional medicine or herb. He, for example, treating coughs and sore throat by utilizing the sage leaves can he get from the neighbors. "Drinking potent herb sage leaves really treating coughs. So do not mind to take drugs from the stall," said the stout man was excited.
Saga also serves as an antihypertensive medications or high blood pressure. As a medicinal herb, sage leaves are safe to relieve heart pounding.
Seeds are poisonous and toxic like jatropha (ricin). No reports of deaths from the processing of ore saga as jewelry. According to some literature, many cases of poisoning saga seeds. Consequences arising from nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, irritation, dermatitis, difficulty breathing, fainting, and death. Hence it is advisable to be careful utilize the plant, especially seeds. In some areas, the saga seeds used as an insecticide.
Saga propagation including herbaceous plant species with small rods principal and propagate on host-purchase twisted to the left. The leaves are compound, oval, and small size. Sage leaves resemble the leaves of <I> Tamarindus indica <P> with finned odd and has a slightly sweet taste (commonly called sweet saga).
Saga has pods containing seeds that are red with black dots shiny and slippery. Saga seeds contain a toxic substance called abrin so it can not be used for breeding.
The flowers are purple with a shape like a butterfly in a flower cluster support. Plants that grow wild in the forests, fields, or deliberately kept in the yard. Saga can grow well in low-lying areas up to an altitude of 1,000 meters above sea level.
"Saga leaves are known efficacious overcome thrush," said Secretary of the Center for Development and Application of Traditional Medicine (SP3T) dr Kariadi, Alkhamudi SSI Aptk, the Cempaka.
To overcome thrush, said Alkamudi, sage leaves can be chewed directly. Moreover, it was sweet. Because it feels like it, sage leaves also called sweet leaf. Sage leaves contain chemical compounds 30-100 times the sugar. Besides chewed, sage leaves can also be made potions to rinse his mouth. The trick, wash a few pieces of sage leaves with water, then dry in the sun a few minutes to make it look a little wilted. After cleaning, sage leaves can be chewed straight until smooth, then rinse your mouth.
Alkhamudi said leaves and roots of plants named Latin Abrus pracatorius that include protein, vitamin A, B1, B6, C, calcium oxalate, glisirizin, flisirizinat, polygalacturomic acid, and pentosan. Saga has many other names. Javanese people call it saga telik / sweet, in Aceh called thaga, areuy saga, in the Sunda called saga leutik, Gorontalo walipopo, Bali peeling-piling, Gayo seugeu, Ambon ailalu girlfriend, Minangkau saga saga buncik or armpit, and Bugis glass.

Herb Saga

1.Nourish the hair 
Leaves and seeds saga made pasta can be used to nourish the hair. You do this by applying the paste to the head, leave one hour, then wash.

2. Tonsils
Take root saga taste, a slice of cinnamon and sugar cubes to taste. Boil all ingredients with five cups of water to a boil and live separouh. Strain and drink a glass twice a day morning and afternoon.

3. Inflammation of the eye
Use a handful of sage leaves. Finely minced sage leaves, then boiled in two cups of water to the steam taken. Disposable vapor sage leaves it for eye drops.

4. Sprue
Take 10 grams of fresh sage leaves, wash, mix with half a liter of water until cooked or half. Use the cooking water to rinse.

5. Sore throat
Take 4 grams of dried sage leaves or 7 grams of fresh leaves, washed, boiled with three cups of water to boil. After a rather cool, strain and drink the water. Add the lime juice or honey if desired.

6. Heart
Use 8 grams of sweet sage leaves and 10 grams of sembung. Add 5 grams kencur, then boiled with 400 ml of water. Then drink the cooking water.

7. Hypertension
Take a few handfuls of sage leaves, leaf hooves, selamagi leaves, white pumpkin fruit and leaves kejibeling. Boil four cups of water until the remaining two cups. After that strain and drink. Repeat until cured.
