kidney stone medication which can be obtained from house

Did you ever experience pain in the lower left abdomen? Natural or pain during urination? If so, so there is a chance you are suffering from kidney stones.

Typically, kidney stones because of minerals in the body cause clots and blockage of urine flow or infection. As first aid, you can choose the path of home treatment using water until the fruits. How do I?

1. Water

Kidney stones may occur when the kidneys can not process the toxins in an effective way. To expel the disease, you are encouraged to drink plenty of water so that the stone can come out of the body faster.

You can also give the white water with a quarter cup of lemon juice and a quarter cup of olive oil. Drink this mixture three times a day for three consecutive days until kidney stones completely lost.

2. Pomegranate juice

Pomegranate is a substance that can sustain cure kidney stones in a natural way. The trick, you can make juice with the basic ingredients of pomegranate, consumed directly or can also add pomegranate salad.

3. Apple juice and honey

Honey and apples are also no less powerful for healing problems kidney disease. You just need to mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of honey into a large glass of warm water. Drink the concoction three times a day to get rid of kidney stones in a natural way.

4. Leaves of nettle

Nettle leaf has the ability to help facilitate urination. Not hard to make this herbal potions. You just need to pan, hot water, and dried nettle leaf powder.

The trick, heat the water in the pot and dried nettle leaf powder input into it. Simmer for ten minutes, strain the mixture and drink two to three cups per day for at least 1 week to get rid of the stones.

5. Watermelon

Watermelon in the category fruits are rich in calcium, magnesium phosphate, and potassium. The third agent was able to sustain protect urine acid content and improve kidney health. By eating watermelon everyday, the faster the likelihood of kidney stones in your body to run away.

It should be noted, home remedies described earlier does not mean you underestimate medical treatment. You always need to check it to see a doctor in order to prevent more serious illness.
