Starfruits often enjoy the freshness of the fruit? Star fruit is one fruit is quite popular among the people, because it tastes sweet and fresh and high nutritional content. Fruit that has a shape like stars is not only can be consumed directly, but can be used as the juice or sweets. Turns star fruit has tremendous benefits for health and beauty. It was very clear, because Belimbing contains essential nutrients, such as: carbohydrates, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, protein, calcium, fiber, potassium and iron.

some star fruit benefits to health, the following:

Increases appetite
Carambola contains vitamin A and retinol are efficacious help stimulate one's appetite. If you are feeling poor appetite, consumption of several pieces of star fruit, guaranteed appetite will improve. (Heal stye circuitry natural way)

Keeping the skin beauty
The content of nutrients in a beneficial leatherback maintain the beauty of the skin. To perawtaan from within, you can eat them and to perawtaan from the outside, you can make it as a face mask. The properties for the skin, among others: control the oil levels in the skin, overcome blackheads, shrink pores and make your skin shine bright.

Prevent cancer
The content of antioxidants in star fruit can protect against exposure to free radicals that lead to cancer.

Lowers blood pressure
For those of you that have the potential to have high blood pressure, try menormalkannya with star fruit.

Healthy digestion
The content of natural fibers in star fruit nutritious healthy digestion so that you avoid digestive disorders, eg constipation, bowel obstruction

Carambola danger for Health
Behind the incredible benefits for health, it turns Carambola fruit can also endanger the health of tablets, especially if consumed by someone who suffer from certain diseases, for example:
Kidney disease
Leatherback does contain a lot of water, but the leatherback contain oxalate acid which if consumed in excessive amounts can harm the kidneys, because the kidneys are not able to filter out and dispose of these substances.
High cholesterol or diabetes pain
Patients with the disease are also advised to limit consumption of starfruit, because of the high sugar content that is not good for his health.
Sick hypertension
Leatherback was able to help lower blood pressure, even so them also contained a neurotoxin or neurotoxin that can harm the performance of the brain and nerves.
