Efficacy Benefits of Moringa Leaf And How Concocting.

Efficacy Benefits of Moringa Leaf And How Concocting.

Based on a study, Moringa leaves contain active compounds which allegedly serve as a drug, namely arginine, leucine, methionine and several other compounds. With the content of the active compounds showed Moringa leaves can serve as antidiabet, antioxidant and antitumor. Several other studies indicate that Moringa leaves contain seven times more vitamin C than oranges, three times more potassium than bananas, four times more vitamin A than carrots and calcium four times more calcium than milk.

Moringa leaves (Moringa oleifera) derived from shrubs, Javanese people usually use this plant as a hedge are also planted as a medicinal plant.

Efficacy Benefits of Moringa Leaf And How Concocting Traditional Medicine For Health Body

Moringa leaf is able to lower blood sugar levels.
Moringa leaves are excellent for the treatment and overcome rheumatism.
Moringa leaf is a drug stiff, EcoK and natural pain reliever.

Rheumatism, pain and stiff. Two handles finely crushed Moringa leaves and half a tablespoon whiting and rub into the affected part of the body as a param.

Sore eyes. Finely crushed Moringa leaves three handles and given a glass of water, stir thoroughly, let stand until the waste settles and the water used as eye drops.

Worms. Moringa leaves boiled three handles, one handle of chili leaves, stems meniran 1-2 with two cups of water to boil down to one cup, strain the cooking water and taken regularly every day.

Allergy. Boil three handles Moringa leaves, the spring onions, fennel taste pulasari add three cups of water to boil down to two glasses, then filtered and drink regularly every day.

Herpes, ringworm and wounds. Seven handles Moringa leaves until finely ground and stick to the wound as foreign drugs.

Eliminating Face spots. Select several sheets of Moringa leaves are still young, pounded smooth as possible and use as a powder or mixed with the powder.

Kidney Stone crusher. Moringa leaf is made of vegetable nodes, eat regularly every day for about a month, kidney stones will be shed and came out with urine.

Leaves of Moringa indeed proven to treat fever, rebuild weak bones, overcome the lack of blood, helps lower blood sugar levels and helps meet the nutritional lacking, but to watch is the research that says that the extract of Moringa leaves can cause liver damage, kidney and the formation of sperm when the dose exceeds 1000 Mg / kg.
