Benefits of Turmeric For Health

Benefits of Turmeric For Health

 Turmeric or commonly called by the name of the Java turmeric is one type of herbal medicinal plants which are well known in the hemisphere south east asia no exception, namely our beloved country (Indonesia).

Turmeric or saffron included in ginger herbal plant species-jehean / Zingiberaceae, Turmeric also has a Latin name or scientific name Curcumae Domesticae Rhizoma.

The full scientific classification of plants turmeric is as follows:

Kingdom or empire: Plants (Plantae)
Subkingdom: Included in the vascular plant species or Tracheobionta
Super Division: Go to the seed-producing plants or Spermatophyta
Division: The flowering plants Magnoliophyta
Class: Sign in class monocots or plants into pieces one (Liliopsida)
Sub Class: turmeric enter the sub-class Commelinidae
Order: zingiberales
Family or Family: turmeric is still a family with gingers or Zingiberaceae
Genus: Curcuma
Species: Turmeric including species of Curcuma longa L.kunyit
Aside from being a herbal medicinal herbs turmeric is also used by housewives as ingredients or herbs and natural dyes and food gravy. However, the most famous of these plants are beneficial to health.

Why is beneficial to health? Because turmeric is rich in compounds that are very good for the health of our bodies. The content that we can get from turmeric is as follows: borneol, Bisdesmetoksikurkumin, desmetoksikumin, felandren, Phosphorus, karbohidarat, sesquiterpene ketone, Fat, Protein, Vitamin C, zingiberen, Iron And Much Much Substance Useful For Other Body Health.

Well after last slightly deviated from the main discussion of the health benefits of turmeric and a little to explain about medicinal plants this one, now I will try to review the benefits that you get if consume turmeric. The full benefits of turmeric is as follows:

Health Benefits of Turmeric for Body:

Consuming herbs with this one (turmeric) on a regular basis, you will get the benefits to avoid the risk of tumor diseases and cancer.
Turmeric is beneficial both to rejuvenate the cells present in the body so that the body will be healthier and fitter, besides turmeric is also beneficial as the body's natural antioxidant.
That it contains an antioxidant found in turmeric plants make this plant is beneficial to neutralize or eliminate toxins and neutralize harmful substances other chemicals that have entered the human body.
Consuming herbal medicine made from turmeric can Minimizing the risk or attack leukemia
By consuming turmeric then you too can lose weight so make turmeric suitable for use as a plant suitable for a healthy diet.
Turmeric may Smooth or reproduce ation for mothers who are breast-feeding her baby so that the baby can get most exclusive breastfeeding mother.
Plants are good for the skin / body beauty.
Treating diabetes, Magg, typhoid fever, sore shell, slimy cough, diarrhea
As for ways to treat it is as follows:
Turmeric can Streamlining breastfeeding Breastfeeding.
Ways of making potion:
Prepare 1 turmeric and wash with water to clean
Then, saffron mash until completely smooth
Apply collision earlier to the chest area (spot-producing ation)
Do it this way two days
Turmeric For Diabetes Herbal medicine:
Ways of making potion:

Prepare approximately 3 suir turmeric rhizome or 3 fresh
Half teaspoon salt (dose teaspoon)
Prepare about 1 liter of clean water
Put ingredients we already waste into panic and boil until only half a glass only
Lift and strain the cooking water and drinking more than 2 times a week, dose once brewed drink one drink.
Turmeric for Beauty:
How to make it:
Prepare powdered turmeric, cucumber juice, or it could be a lemon
Mix turmeric powder with one ingredient is lemon juice or cucumber juice
Stir until evenly into two materials
Attach a mixture of turmeric powder and one of the ingredients was kearea advance existing black spots.
Let stand for about 15 or 20 minutes and wash your face with cold water
Do it this way every day to make the skin seems beautiful and satisfying.
Now that's a bit of discussion about the benefits of health kunyituntuk body, hopefully can help you who are looking for references about turmeric and may be useful for everyone.
