How to Treat High Blood Pressure!

Most people who are blood type "O" easy to suffer from high blood tekana. People who are too banyka fatty foods, salt, smoking is also susceptible to disease are high blood pressure.

Of course, this disease is suffered when his blood tension rose. Head of dizziness, shortness of breath, head back and neck stiffness and pain, limp body and can become paralyzed. Insomnia, shoulder pain, heart pounding hard and difficult to defecate. When suffering from high blood pressure, should avoid fatty foods, curry goat, and beverages that contain alcohol such as wine. And endeavored not to smoke and drink less or just stay away from coffee. Healing in an integrated effort is as follows:


massage the points of reflection of the head, neck, heart, circulatory, kidney.

  •  eat raw garlic cloves for about 5 medium-size (one meal) morning and evening, especially if the neck or head back pain / stiff. usually 30 minutes after a meal, the pain disappeared
  • eat sweet star fruit (eg: starfruit Demak) 4-6 each day. if there is no sweet star fruit can be replaced by eating the fruit of cucumber.


High Blood Pressure Patients should be careful, obey the rules mentioned above. The attack of high blood pressure makes the body partially paralyzed and could also die faster.
