"The risk of autism can be minimized"

Autism is a neurological disorder that affects the normal functioning of the human brain in social interaction and communication. According to the Autism Society of America, people with autism typically show difficulties in verbal and nonverbal communication, and is difficult to interact and social activities. Autism emerged since the first three years of life.
April 2, celebrated as Autism Awareness Day throughout dunia.Kampanye performed throughout the world, with an official event at least 23 countries. To know more about autism, Famega Syavira Princess of Yahoo! Indonesia interviewed Fernando Cortizo, doctors and researchers from Monash University, Australia. Dr. Fernando also served as CEO of Autism Management Institute in Korea and Malaysia. The following quotation:
Y!: What causes autism?
Autism may be caused by three things: genetics, chromosomes and the environment that affects children starting from the womb until after birth. Genetic factors can not be changed. Until now, researchers are still experimenting the genetic modification but have not produced results.
While the cause of which come from the environment can be minimized. Our results show, the autistic child's body was found that the amount of heavy metals can be 100 times more than the normal threshold.
The human body is designed to filter and remove excess heavy metals from the body. But the autistic person's body system is apparently unable to remove heavy metals and even adjust to these advantages.
Even at birth, infants already have a heavy metal content derived from the mother. Metals can be increased because of exposure to materials that exist in nature, such as food. Fish that contain lots of mercury, for example. In addition, there is also pollution from aluminum cookware, while the levels of lead and other heavy metals can enter the body due to air pollution. Children's toys could also be unsafe because it may contain metal.
One of the actions that typically weigh the level of autism is vaccination. We often come across cases of children who began showing symptoms of autism after being immunized. Apparently there are several vaccines that still contain heavy metals. Vaccination then trigger symptoms of autism in children because of the level of heavy metals increased dramatically, exceeding the threshold that can be tolerated. In this case the boys are more vulnerable due to vaccinations triggered autism than girls.
Y!: How do I prevent it? Does not need to be vaccinated?
Needless to extremes to avoid vaccination because after all, the vaccine remains necessary to improve immunity. But as a precaution, do not ever do vaccinations simultaneously. Make sure children are immunized with a vaccine that is free of metal. Each finished vaccination, consider what changes are your child's behavior. If there is, immediately contact a doctor and refrain from vaccination. Although not happen anything, wait three months for the next vaccination. Excessive load on the system will damage the child's immune system.
Y!: Is it true that the number of people with autism continue to rise?
In 20 years, the number recorded is increasing. The cause was investigated, because it could not actually increased in number. That number may seem higher because of increasing awareness of autism developed - we can recognize the symptoms that were previously not regarded as symptoms of autism.
Currently in Indonesia the ratio of children with autism is 1: 250, meaning that there are one million people with autism in Indonesia.
Y!: How many different types of autism?
The spectrum of autism varies greatly, from mild to severe. The symptoms vary in each individual. There are people who do not have the ability to express themselves verbally, difficulty in coordination, learning disabilities. Some are not able to create a bond with others, it is difficult to integrate, do not have a social consciousness and others.
Nonetheless, some children with autism have a privilege than a normal child. Some of them have a high IQ and has a special skill. I have patients who are good at penetrating the password, anyone can speak several languages ​​but never formal learning.
Y!: What are the therapy can do for autism?
Autism therapy is good not only focus on the patient but also the environment and their parents. Having an autistic child means a long commitment for parents who must always bear the cost of living children. Parents usually worry about how this kid could become independent and live without depending on others, and can meet its own needs.
The cause of autism can be seen from the complete DNA analysis. After a specific pattern is found, can be prepared what is the cause and how to minimize them. Therapy should be specific and differ between individuals.
I also do research about anti-aging. I find that many people with autism who show symptoms that appear in people who are aging. For example memory loss, Alzheimer's, regardless of the presence of others. So we do the research to modify the anti-aging treatments to be given to children with autism. For best results, therapy should be done with modification of hormones, drugs, keeping food intake and counseling therapist.
We also develop the hormone oxytocin, which is released naturally by the human while making love, to people with autism. Giving the hormone was effective to increase their contact with the people closest. For example, there are patients who do not go near her mother. Once given this hormone they begin to open contacts and began going to touch and cuddle.
Y!: Should include children with autism to a specific school?
I would not suggest so. Especially if it means children with autism are mixed with people with other disorders, such as Down syndrome. People with autism are in fact must be familiarized mingle with normal children.
Y!: Can autism be cured?
We do not use the word "cured". Autism therapy goal is to make people capable of independent and has a place in social life. They can go to school, have friends, learn and get ahead. The commitment to this therapy are the long term, if you do not want to say a lifetime.
With proper treatment, it is not impossible with autism can live his life better than the people who he said "normal." I know some people who managed to live a normal life, have children and be able to support themselves.
Y!: If caused by genes, whether autism will decrease?
Not so. If people with autism have a child, that child will not necessarily suffer from autism as well. Moreover, even people with autism have a better understanding of autism than the layman, so I do not think it would be bad.
Y!: How do I prevent the risk of autism?
There should be a deep understanding of the parents to reduce the risk of children affected by autism. For example, the alert during the vaccination. Be careful with the potential of heavy metals in the environment. Do not expose children with heavy metals that can exist in the toys, cooking utensils and food. Avoid fast food, food berpengawet and berpenyedap taste.
Neighborhood can also be a cause. If possible, avoid living in areas contaminated by heavy metals such as high-polluting factories or regions. Pregnant women should live a healthy and nutritious foods, including foods that contain Omega-3.
Although autism can not be avoided, its level can be minimized with a simple way, namely by adopting a healthy lifestyle.
