the benefits of the bark and leaves of fruits

Fruits is one fruit that is commonly found in Indonesia. This fruit can be found everywhere and the price is also very affordable. Not only that, fruits are also not familiar with the season so that you can get at any time.

 In addition to delicious fruits also contain nutrients that are good for your health. Unknown if the fruits contains 0.40 g Protein, 77kal Calories, carbohydrates 20.9 g, Calcium 28mg, 18mg Phosphorus, Iron 4,2mg 0,04mg Vitamin B, Vitamin C 2 mg, and 750 mg of water per 100 grams of fruits ,

Fruits contain beta-carotene which is very good for eye health. In 100 grams of fruits contain beta-carotene 5 times more than mangoes, 3 times of guava, and 5 times the watermelon red.

Fruits can also be useful for treating diarrhea or diarrhea. This is because in fruits tannins are substances that can help cure diarrhea. However, fruits are not good for pregnant women because it can cause constipation or difficult bowel movements (chapter).

Not only the fruit, leaves and bark turns skin is very beneficial for health. The leaves and bark bark can be used in traditional Chinese medicine.

The skin may be made herb is good for health. How to make are:

1. Take the skin of fruits 100 gr (please do not use fruit).

2. Rinse with water until clean.

3. then put in the cooking pot (do cauldron aluminum, or iron).

4. pour with 1000 ml of water.

5. wear a small fire boiled once, until the water boils.

6. strain and drink the water.

7. bark bark that has been boiled can not be used again.
fruits as a cure hemorrhoid

For the leaves can be useful to cure hemorrhoids, to make potions. The trick is:

1. grab bark leaves to taste, then wipe it clean
2. boiled with water, the composition of three leaves salakuntuk one glass of water (200 cc)
3. after cooking, strain, imbuhkan brown sugar to taste.
4. drink during warm 2 times a day

Well, it is very useful the fruits, bark bark bark and leaves. So, if you buy bark skin should not be disposed of, can you use to health.
