How Can You Make Your Eyes Look Younger Successfully?

Many women wish to make their eyes look younger, because the eyes are the focus of the face. If you can make your eyes look younger then the face will look younger too.

Needless to say you can actually change how your eyes look to any great degree. Their colour is fixed, unless you choose to use coloured contact lenses, and there's not much else you can do to change the way your eyes look.

However there is plenty that you can do to change how the skin around your eyes looks, and that's what women are really looking to do.

Because of course if your eyes are the focus of your face then if the surrounding skin is puffy and baggy and has dark circles and wrinkles then this doesn't help.
And that's the cause of the problem. Because as they age women, in many cases, start to find that they are developing fine lines and wrinkles around their eyes, puffiness, dark circles and bags and this has a serious impact on how they look.

The causes of all these problems are well known. For many years it's been understood that the primary cause of sagging and wrinkles is the loss of collagen and elastin in your skin as you age. Elastin and collagen are 2 essential skin proteins which contribute significantly to the elastic quality of your skin, and as you age stores of these 2 important proteins reduce, thereby reducing skin elasticity and suppleness. This causes the skin to sag, and wrinkles and lines are the result.

However there are also causes of unsightly skin around the eyes that are region specific. That puffiness is caused by a build up of fluid. The dark circles are caused by very small amounts of blood released after tiny capillaries become broken.

And for this reason an eye anti wrinkle cream has a number of jobs to do. Just like any effective skin care product generally it has to reverse the loss of collagen and elastin in the skin. However it also needs to do more. It needs to reduce the tendency of those tiny capillaries to break and to leak blood, and it also has to target the build up of fluid which causes that puffiness and bagging.

Over the last few years some excellent ingredients have been produced which target these specific problems. One is called Eyeliss, which is not a product of itself but is an ingredient of the best eye anti wrinkle creams, and there are others as well which are targeted to reduce these particular skin problems under the eyes.

It is now possible to buy a high quality eye anti wrinkle cream which targets not only the loss of elastin and collagen but also deals with the other 2 problems, namely build up of fluid and papillary breakage, with a combination of ingredients all of which work together to help reduce the appearance of ageing around the eyes, including reducing wrinkles.

Science is producing answers to questions. How many of these problems are caused is now well known, and some clever people are producing solutions.
